Recently I found a Regina mechanism, which has a long bed-plate
identical for a 15-inch disk player. The mechanism is not in a box,
but mounted to a board about 22" square, which has very crude hinges
attached to one edge. There are two finger holes (?) for lifting the
mechanism upward for servicing. The box in which it might have been
installed in is missing.
The crank is unlike any I have ever seen on a standard 15 1/2 box. It
is threaded and protrudes about 9 inches from the edge of the cast iron
bed plate. It winds very quietly and does not make the sound of many
ratchet mechanisms that I am familiar with. The serial number on the
plate is 56367.
It is filthy dirty, but plays. I do not find any stop or start lever,
nor is any changer mechanism evident. The standard bar is there, which
holds the disk to the comb, but the rollers which support the disk as
it plays are missing.
Does anyone have any idea what type of box this might have been
installed in?
Bruce A. Clark