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MMD > Archives > May 1998 > 1998.05.17 > 09Prev  Next

Flaming in the MMD ; Was "What is Original ?"
By John A. Tuttle

HI All,

I was under the impression that flaming in the MMD (insulting
other authors) was cause for rejecting such articles. Yet in
digest 980516, I find this is not the case. Now I'm confused.

Allowing such strong opinions and insulting language serves
only to hurt peoples feelings unnecessarily. To the editors:
Please explain your reasoning for allowing DL Bullocks
article to be posted. Surely you didn't find his comments
'constructive', 'enlightening' or 'educational'.

And for the record, I don't know a single rebuilder that doesn't
have a few spare players laying around that are used for
spare parts. In the Navy, we called such spares "Queens" because
they gave of themselves for the betterment of 'the hive'. I still
use the same term and it still fits like a glove.

I challenge DL to lighten up! We're not talking about $50,000
instruments here.


John A. Tuttle

 [ John,
 [    Robbie came down from Etiwanda for the weekend so we could
 [ do some work on his portable computer and to also try the
 [ experiment of putting multiple AWE soundcards in a single
 [ computer.  We did the editing together Saturday night and
 [ decided to run everything since the traffic was pretty light
 [ that night.  In general, if its not rude, vulgar or libelous
 [ we will run it.  As you will see in the other notes on this
 [ subject, not everyone felt that D.L. was attacking Andy.  I
 [ sure didn't.
 [ Jody

Key Words in Subject:  Flaming, is, MMD, Original, Was, What

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