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MMD > Archives > May 1998 > 1998.05.15 > 06Prev  Next

Ordering Piano Supplies - Earning the Endorsement
By Andy Taylor

Hello again:  Regarding ordering piano supplies from wholesalers, I had
to earn an endorsement from a reregistered PTG member.  That is how I
got my Schaff account.

When I was 16 years old, I would visit a retail piano store in Bowling
Green, Kentucky.  The owner, who had seen that I had a interest in
pianos, made me a deal.  He had four old uprights that needed regula-
tion and tuning.  He told me if I could repair, regulate and tune these
pianos to his satisfaction, he would help me set up an account with

Well, I did fine on the repairs and regulation, but I kept messing up
on the high treble tuning.  After getting the first one right (it took
me four days!) I finally started to get the hang of it.  The owner
would look over and grin; he knew I was having a hard time tuning the
treble, but he never said a word.  Later I learned that he had given
the same deal to other young people, and every one of them had become
frustrated and quit.

I was determined to master treble tuning, and I finally got it right.
I think the whole ordeal took a week and a half.  He kept his word and
endorsed me, and I got my Schaff account at the age of 16.

He also did something I did not expect: he paid me $150 for my first
piano job!  Out of that money, I bought a tuning kit, some hammer
shanks, stickers and several set of bridle straps.

That is how I got my Schaff account.  The wholesalers really don't want
to answer questions.  You are already supposed to 'know your stuff' in
their view.

Best Regards
Andy Taylor
Tempola Music Rolls

(Message sent Fri 15 May 1998, 18:49:11 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Earning, Endorsement, Ordering, Piano, Supplies

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