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MMD > Archives > May 1998 > 1998.05.15 > 01Prev  Next

Chein Toy Player Piano
By Devon Hollingsworth

Built by a company called Chein, I probably paid too much for the
first one. (Found it at an antique place near Des Moines, Iowa.)  But,
I couldn't resist.  I asked Roger Dayton here in Chicago area how hard
it would be to fix up (only a couple notes played from the player) and
he said he had tried to get one going and gave up.  He suggested using
Teflon lubricant on all joints, and I did just that, cleaned up years
of grit and dust, and it works beautifully.  Roger was really surprised
to hear it play.

Got another one a couple suburbs away from here, and it was even
dirtier!  Where did they store these things!  Anyway, I got it
going also.  Trouble is, both units came with only one roll.  I have
"When the Saints Go Marching In" and "The Old Piano Roll Blues."
The second one is the most creative sounding.  Then, I recently met
a lady who, on seeing mine, told me she got one as a child, and still
has it, along with many rolls.  She didn't offer to sell, though.
I can see why, too, as they are really cute.

Does anyone know where I can get more rolls?  They are 23 notes
(though the pianos themselves play 30 notes), and the holes are
larger than standard piano rolls.  Does anyone have an owner's manual
or information about the company??

I understand these sold for about $50 when new.  They are certainly
labor-intensive, but they also steal the show when visitors come.

Thanks for any advice and information!

Devon Hollingsworth

(Message sent Sat 16 May 1998, 01:26:47 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Chein, Piano, Player, Toy

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