Fully _not_ intending to start any kind of 'flame war', I do feel
compelled to comment on subject post in the 980508 Digest, hopefully
constructively representing an alternate viewpoint.
First, I do agree that the objective of the MMD is music. However, I
understand that the context of said music is that it is mechanically
reproduced, and therein lies the 'loophole'.
If we are involved in _mechanical_ music reproduction, there is no
way to avoid the physics behind the mechanics responsible for the
reproduction of said music, if we truly want to understand the reason
_why_ things work so that we can than make informed decisions as to
_how_ we build, restore, and or repair things.
It has been my personal and professional experience that once I
understand _how_ a mechanism, or a circuit (and at one time, at a
sub-atomic level, how a transistor), or even a schedule for the
production of a product works, then I was able to design, repair,
maintain, and or improve it.
The elements of such a level of understanding are founded on relatively
basic math, the ability to visualize how mechanisms work, some basic
physics, chemistry, and other such fundamentals. Note that I do not
mean to say that if you don't have a science or engineering degree you
can't do this. (A notable relevant example is Thomas Edison, an non-
relevant example are the unknown military engineers in Roman (?) times
who invented the trebuchet, an extraordinarily efficient and simple
siege machine which even today is an extraordinary example of highly
efficient engineering, using 'primitive' materials no less!).
The player pianos, music boxes, organs etc. in which we are interested
in owning, using, and repairing, are machines that involve chemistry
(organic and synthetic materials, glues, paints and finishes),
metallurgy (base plates, piano strings, etc.), strength of materials
(piano strings, fasteners, fabrics, leathers, rubber, etc.), mechanics
('clock' motors for music boxes and mechanical phonographs, piano
actions, ...), physics (levers, gears, etc. in mechanisms, inertia,
friction, ...), electronics (MIDI), electricals (motors, switches,
blowers, vacuum pumps, etc.), and so on.
Another way of putting it is that involvement in MMD is involvement
in a 'multi-disciplinary media.'
Thus, the better understanding we have of each of these various
disciplines, the better we understand how our favorite machines work
and the better able we are to appreciate them and keep them working to
provide us enjoyment and satisfaction . At the same time, such
understanding allows us to appreciate the _limits_ of our machines that
are imposed by the same principles and laws of physics, chemistry,
mechanics, etc.
In direct response to the post: No, I concur that the Digest is not
meant to be a forum of engineering, chemistry and physics, but it IS
gratifying and heartwarming that so many on this Digest are willing to
share their understanding and knowledge so that others will be better
equipped to enjoy and maintain these marvelous machines that give us
the music that we enjoy.
'Nuff said.
Harvey Chao
[ Editor's note:
[ The Digest serves the interests of the subscribers, and that's
[ pretty broad! The well-written articles from our authors continue
[ to create new interest in other elements of mechanical music,
[ including the more abstract skills such as creating music for
[ mechanical performance, an area where John Farrell and George
[ Bogatko and Steve Goodman are experts. I hope they will write
[ more articles for us.
[ -- Robbie