Dear Jody, I'm new to computers and MMD, introduced by Fritz Gellerman.
One hobby is restoration of antique musical instruments.
The collection includes a 1935 Steinway reproducing grand with electric
motor and tubing around end of stack (one of six known), a 1927 Fisher
reproducing grand, a 1925 88-note player upright, a 1928 88-note
upright player, a 1920 Tangley calliope, a 44-note reproduced Caliola,
and a band organ.
The organ was originally a pinned-cylinder style 1188 DeKleist that was
built in April 1898, that I converted to a Wurlitzer 125 in 1971. I am
contemplating a MIDI conversion for this 125 band organ and am looking
for pertinent material concerning this task.
Bob Vivian
[ Welcome to MMD, Bob. I hope that Tom Grace will join us soon,
[ too, and he can tell how he adapted the cottage orchestrion at
[ Disneyland for MIDI control. I think it was also a barrel organ
[ originally. -- Robbie