Hi MMDers. After reading several technical questions about rebuilding
Celestina pneumatics, I want to share my experiences.
In brief, I rebuilt the pneumatics with zephyr skin, as has been
discussed. I was warned that the zephyr skin might not hold up but it
has been working fine now for more than three years. (I tried Shultz
pouch cloth on one pneumatic but discovered it was way too heavy.)
In the process I made several fixtures and also took photos of the
process along the way. If anyone is interested in more details, I
would be happy to go into great detail, particularly about how to
attach flexible material to two small Popsicle sticks that aren't even
attached at one end with a hinge!
My Celestina plays beautifully and is still running on it's original
bellows material after over 100 years. How's that for longevity?
Pat DeWitt
Fort Wayne, IN