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MMD > Archives > April 1998 > 1998.04.17 > 10Prev  Next

Don't Whistle 'St. Louis Tickle'
By Rob DeLand

I can't let this one go without referencing an item in "Rags & Ragtime",
the indispensable book by Jasen & Tichenor.  In an item about Theron
Bennett's composition, 'St. Louis Tickle', the authors say

  "...This was a hit at the [1904 St. Louis World's] fair and became
   one of the most beloved rags of all time.  The tune is a natural for
   strings ... Its second section was a notorious bit of musical
   low-life.  One old timer remembered getting his face slapped as a
   kid for whistling it.  Another reported that in small Missouri towns
   you could be jailed for whistling it.  Another remembered the
   original set of lyrics which began, "Been to the East, Been to the
   West, I found my honey can do it the best."

I'll let you read the rest yourself; it's on page 47 of the Dover

And while we all have our copies of Rags & Ragtime out, turn with me
to the photograph section between pages 76 and 77.  The sixth page
of photos depicts "Charles Hunter and girls in a St. Louis parlor in
1900."  Charles is sitting at an upright piano.  But hey, isn't that a
disk music box on the table an the far left?  I wonder if Regina
ever issued Jelly Roll Morton's "Naked Dance" on a 15-1/2" disk.
But seriously, can anyone identify it?  Is it really a music box, or
just my wishful thinking?

Rob DeLand

 [ Maybe it plays, "Meet Me in St. Louis, Louie"   ;)  -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 17 Apr 1998, 06:21:46 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Don't, Louis, St, Tickle, Whistle

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