If editing results become a problem, what about allowing those who
submit articles to say so if they desire _no_ editing. Then you could
just filter high ASCII characters out, or whatever the minimum
necessities be, and let the letter pass as printed. Or refuse it
because of length or content.
(If it bothers you to produce a "messy" newsletter, perhaps you could
even mark which were unedited somehow, so the reader would know.)
If they don't say, or don't care (like me), then have at it.
Todd Augsburger
[ Editor's note:
[ My goal of editing is to preserve the ideas presented at this forum
[ and to present the meaning in approximately standard English format,
[ so that MMD may be enjoyed by all our subscribers around the world
[ without too much difficulty. I try to preserve the flavor of the
[ everyday speech.
[ Sometimes I add explanatory words, and short pronouns and
[ prepositions, in order to clarify the idea. Sometimes I must
[ apologize for my editing errors. It's just the same as in the
[ daily newspaper.
[ Bluntly stated: all submissions are edited for good comprehension.
[ Letters which, in my opinion, lack suitable content or etiquette are
[ paraphrased or returned to the author. Few letters are like this,
[ fortunately.
[ MMD is a moderated and edited forum, folks, unlike the Bulletin
[ Board forums. We like it this way.
[ -- Robbie