My good friend Dave Fields runs 4 or 5 jukeboxes with 45-rpm records.
He gets them from Liebermans in Minneapolis, tel.: (800) 879-0321. They
may require a business license or other proof of commercial enterprise.
If you don't have that, go to an _independent_ record store, not a
chain store, and they can order them for you. (At least, the one
here in Missoula can, and they even stock about 100 current titles.)
You probably won't find them in a mall, but you can in a college
district, etc.
While we are on the subject of independents, I order all my books
from an independent book dealer here. They give me the same discount
as the chain stores, and are really glad to do a book search like Matt
suggested. In fact, they bend over backwards for me. These stores are
having a tough time and deserve our support.
Who needs another chain-store anything?!!
Scott Olson