In response to Art Reblitz' request for input on the reprinting of
"Treasures of Mechanical Music", I would be all for a completely new
revised edition, neatly including the old corrected information as well
as all of the new in one big volume.
However, having spent many years in the publishing business, I know
that it would simply be most economical to reprint the original volume
as is, with no changes to the original film, and then with it print an
entirely separate Volume II which would have all the new information
and pictures, as well as a separate appendix noting corrections to
Volume I.
The corrections could easily be written into a newly re-printed or
original Volume I by hand (I don't know about the rest of you, but my
copy is already full of pencil notations and margin notes!!).
Another thought is that if it were possible it would be nice to see the
original "Treasures" errors corrected before re-printing, and I think
setting spot corrections to correct the original edition film could be
accomplished quite easily, as long as the corrections do not upset the
layout of the signatures and pagination (that is to say, the way the
pages of a book are "laid out"--two at a time, and not necessarily
facing pages; and how the pages are numbered).
With the amount of "white space" on some of the pages, perhaps spot
corrections could be accomplished. Of course, the new Volume II would
still need to include the corrections appendix so that folks who
already own the first edition Volume I can pencil in the corrections as
stated above.
I am not opposed to the idea of future volumes being in the form of
smaller updates, especially if it will get it out faster and cheaper,
although perhaps not in this case if it is enough information to merit
a large Volume II.
I do not think I would like to see the new Volume II broken up into
smaller ones by instrument type. I would end up purchasing them all
anyway, as I never know what I will need to look up next.
John D. Rutoskey
Automatic Music Machines
Baltimore, Maryland