We are doing research for the next volume of our Rollography, and have
run into a blank wall on a late Telelectric development.
Late in the game Telelectric issued a paper roll series. This was an
exact duplicate of the Telektra 88-note brass rolls as far as the
punches in the rolls, but they used heavy paper, cardboard cores,
plastic ends, and they would not fit on the reader for the brass rolls.
The spool ends are small diameter conventional 88-note, with the normal
slot drive.
We have not found any literature or hardware about the paper rolls or
reader. I would guess that there was an inexpensive auxiliary reader
head that had some kind of electrical interface to the brass roll
reader, because it would then use the expensive expression parts in the
brass roll reader.
Does anyone have information or hardware on this Telektra product?
Bob Billings