Thank you, Mike, for your fast reply to my problem with the scales.
I can tell you: It is really not so much a problem to make teeth
replacement, provided you will accept to see afterwards some minor
traces of the repair.
If the repair should be invisible, than it becomes really difficult.
I know one specialist in Germany who can perform this difficult task:
to cut the parts and slots he uses "spark erosion technique" (is this
the correct translation of the German word "Funkenerosionstechnik" ?)
The real problem for me is exactly the duplication of some notes in
the three combs of the Kalliope; but which ones? I have heard about
this most valuable book, "Treasures of Mechanical Music" by Arthur A.
Reblitz and Q. David Bowers, but unfortunately it is out of print and
up to now I have not succeeded in getting it second hand. I would be
happy if somebody could offer it to me or -- for my actual problem --
just could provide a copy of the scales of the Kalliope No. 107, 82-
teeth, disc diameter 45 cm (18 inch), and the Orphenion No. 71, disc
diameter 34.5 cm (13.8 inch).
Christian Greinacher