I really enjoyed George's RealAudio files of one of my favorite 20's
tunes, 'Old King Tut.' I have the song, sung by Jones & Hare, on
Edison Diamond Disk and on Blue Amberol Cylinder. The latter, being
a post-WW I release, was dubbed from Diamond Disk, but interestingly
enough, from a different take than the Diamond Disk version I have.
A friend of mine has the Diamond Disk version also, same record number,
but it's from the same take as my cylinder! I guess the song was so
popular that they wore out the one master and had to use another take.
The only piano roll version I've ever managed to find was the one sold
by Play-Rite. I'm not sure when it was done, but it's got a pronounced
"boogie-woogie" beat to it. I much prefer the QRS version that George
has! Now, if anyone has a spare copy...
Jim Canavan