Hi, Although you'd have to scan the pages of earlier issues of the
Journal, for about the last 10 years all the MBSI publications have
been produced on a PC, so the files are already digital. If Ron Bopp
and the trustees would agree, it wouldn't take much to put the articles
in those issues on a separate section of the MMD web page -- or on a
For earlier editions, the big problem would be removing the OCR errors
after they are scanned. Even the best SW makes lots of them (readable
but not printable) and it takes a loooong time to go through and correct
them. A local AltaVista engine could search at the site and the
content results could be downloaded.
By the way, some years ago, the entire contents of an encyclopedia
took about 125M, and the reversed index another 100M. The Encyclopedia
Britannica fits on one CD-ROM.
A personal version of AltaVista would index it in short order. About
10 years ago I worked on a project at Xerox where we scanned the
contents of the rare book collection at Cornell University and put it
in optical disks. No OCR, just images. Now that's what you call data
Craig Smith