The BBC recently produced a radio programme, some 57 minutes or so
long, that was transmitted on March 29 at 11:00 PM GMT. It was entitled
"Monsieur Gavioli's Wonderful Contraption" and was about the fairground
organ. I recorded it and will be sending copies to the FOPS repre-
sentatives in the USA and Australia etc. in due course. I will also be
transcribing it for inclusion in our magazine and for the web site if
I can get permission from the BBC.
I cannot promise to turn round requests quickly (head firmly in noose!)
but I will copy the recording for anyone who sends me a tape (C60) and
a SAE together with sufficient UK cash to cover the cost of return
postage. Any profit I make will be donated to the MMD when the
anticipated rush dies down. Perhaps I should set a deadline for
requests of May 1.
(Of course, I'm in it!)
Phil Benson