Marion Roehl
3533 Stratford Drive
Vestal, NY 13850-2222
United States
Phone: (607) 797-9062
Fax: (607) 797-2624
Comments: Tapes and Cds of player pianos, music boxes, photoplayers,
calliopes and band organs
Information Last Updated: 8/7/96
Harvey and Marion Roehl are still very much in business. They have
recently completed two extremely high quality recordings of their
Wurlitzer CX orchestrion entitled "Roadhouse Razzamatazz". Their current
project is to have recordings ready for this summer of their 57 key
Gavioli fair organ. George Melnyk constructed a MIDI operated mechanism
to directly operate the keys on the organ and Tom Meijer of the
Netherlands has supplied a couple hours of music in a MIDI format. They
have just completed the recording process and are doing the J cards and
CD inserts in preparation for final production of the tapes and CDs.
The address and phone numbers given above are still correct.
Bob Conant
PS: Just as a clarification regarding the PPC purchase of book stock
from the Vestal Press. I believe that PPC purchased all the reprints and
miscellaneous materials published by other companies (such as AMR, etc.)
and formerly sold mail order by the Vestal Press. The National Book
Network picked up ownership, rights and existing stock on books formerly
published directly by the Vestal Press.