Hello, In the early sixties after the World's Fair in Seattle,
Washington, I used to see a circus calliope being towed by a pink Jeep
in the summertime. Does anyone up there in the northwest know what
ever happened to it? Also, does anyone also know what happened to the
Kimball theatre organ that was installed in the old Queen Anne High
School auditorium?
As a boy walking to school every morning, I walked by the High School.
Being curious as to what went on in there, I walked in one day and
heard the most beautiful music I had ever heard in my life! I followed
it to the auditorium and was "hooked" ever since. I had never seen an
organ console that "big"! (2 manual seemed big to me at that time)
I have since learned that the school has been turned into a condo
complex. We moved away in late 1963 but I have many memories that
I will never forget.
I was also fortunate that I knew all of the engineers of all three TV
stations and at that time, I was never chased away for liability
reasons. In walking to/from school, I think I learned more than I did
in school! I had a more solid electronics education then when I was 12
years old than many adults do in the business today! How times change.
Julian Burke,
Knoxville, Tennessee
[ Jody is eager to find this calliope, too. See the photo image at
[ the MMD web site: http://mmd.foxtail.com/ -- Robbie