Pauline Alpert was a man. Hmmm. Some mistake, surely. Perhaps
Pauline's been confused with _Herb_ Alpert?
Seriously, I, with probably most of those interested in the subject,
don't really believe the more extravagant claims about all Duo-Art
rolls being made by Frank Milne. It simply doesn't bear historical or
musical inspection. It's auto-suggestion and self-fulfilling at that.
Once you think Milne made the Alpert rolls, then you think Pauline's
style was Milne's. Hence Alpert rolls sound like Milne. QED.
However, reproducing piano rolls are highly-produced products (like a
modern pop record). The original artist's input is only part of the
process. Dance rolls were reworked to strict tempo and dynamics added
to be loud enough to dance to. Hence note extension, pedalling and
dynamics are creations of the editor not the artist. These rolls were
not intended really as historical records in the same manner as
classical pieces
I would like to see a much more methodical historical and technical
investigation into the relative contributions of artist and arranger.
Assertions without proof one way or the other don't really mean a
thing, no matter how well intended, honestly held or often repeated!
Julian Dyer