Damon Atchison's mention of Memory Lane Arcade as the source of the
Seeburg E recording causes me to say more about this little jewel of
a place in Frankenmuth, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson have assembled a large (and probably priceless)
collection of old penny arcade pieces that will bring back fond memories
to anyone over 50 (which is probably a large proportion of MMD readers)
who ever spent time in a penny aracde in the days when some of the
machines did work for a penny.
They also have at least one musical piece that I recall, a dance organ
(Arburo or DeCap).
Up to 1994 the Seabreeze Park arcade had the mates to several of the
machines in the Atkinson collection (such as the Donkey Gold Mine and
Princess Doraldina), but they were all lost save one or two in the fire
there that year, leaving the few surviving exemplars even more valuable.
Fire, flood, and the quiet working of time are the enemies that mean
some day none of what we have will remain. Remember Ozymandias.