I'm sure others will respond to Roger Waring's cry for help with worth-
while thoughts and potential solutions, but one comment caught my eye:
> I tested the assembled chest with a household vacuum with half
> of the suction supply hole uncovered to simulate light pumping.
> Response by all pneumatics was snappy.
I use an old Sears vacuum for the same purpose, and even with the
suction relief port slid all the way open, I get 18" of water vacuum.
I have to use a dimmer switch in series with the AC line to slow the
vacuum motor down to where the vacuum supplied is manageable.
You might want to measure the amount of vacuum that your machine
delivers, using a standard water gauge. Any more than 5"-7" for
testing will give _very_ misleading test results, which may be sadly
verified when you sit down to the completed job and pump lightly.
Doug Rhodes