First I want to thank several of you in the group that helped me make a
decision on purchasing a Stella 17 1/4" Music box. (My 1st Mechanical
Music instrument.) All of the help was much appreciated. What a
friendly bunch !!
I am an ex-Boomer Submariner that went to work as a research electro-
mechanical engineer in Display Research for 14 years. I burned out and
untied my sailboat from the dock in Portland, Oregon, and headed south
into the South Pacific Islands of Marquesis, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Tonga,
Fiji, New Zealand.
Five years and 23,000 miles later I returned to Hawaii and for some
reason started inventing things. I now own a little company in Seattle
that makes a computerized mat cutting machine for cutting picture frame
mats, called the "Wizard" -- your home town has one in a frame shop.
I thoroughly enjoy woodworking and messing with mechanical things and
that's why I instantly fell in love at first sight with the Stella.
(How far is 'too far' on winding it up?) George Fryer's home-built
Polyphon has inspired me for a new wood project. ( What's a Thorens
Movement ??) Shows how much I know. I need to talk to George.
Thanks for having me as part of the group.
Bill Wridge ("Bill Bones")
[ Welcome aboard, mariner Bill ! Yes, I remember seeing your Wizard
[ machine in action at a local art store. ... Gee, could it cut music
[ rolls? You could have _another_ career! -- Robbie