Thanks for letting me in, My name is Barbara Cannon, but everybody
calls me "Babs". I've done many things in my sordid past: theater
organist, calliope player. I did a little restoration work on a few
different pianos and band organs, and I worked on a few carousels,
helping kids get onto the horses, and off without getting killed.
Also did some of the carving and painting of them. Some really took
a beating.
How I found you was simple -- I looked. Really, I linked and linked.
I may contribute from time to time, but really, I learn more by
listening than talking. Thanks again.
"Babs" Cannon
[ Welcome aboard, Babs, to the "Whirl-Wind MMD Carousel" ! :)
[ I hope you'll get acquainted with our other readers who have
[ told us of their interests and involvement with carousels and,
[ of course, the old organs which provide the music! -- Robbie