Hello to our fellow MMDers across the ditch!
Katherine and I are planning a short holiday to Melbourne, Aus. in late
Feb or March this year (98) and wonder if some of you would be kind
enough to list the best places to visit, large or small, public or
private, and also how we might contact them to make appointments if
necessary. Melbourne's a big place, and these isn't the sort of info you
find at the travel agent's.
I'm particularly interested in seeing (and hearing if possible!) player
pianos, orchestrelles, orchestrions and fairground organs, Violanos,
automata etc but would also happily see music boxes and musical clocks.
Hope you don't mind for the asking.
Thanks, Dave C
P.S. I have 1 Gourlay 88-note pumper and 800-odd rolls in the lounge, and
6 other players (various makes) in fair through to poor condition in the
garage. I guess that makes me an enthusiast! (or mad!) What I DON'T tell
people is that I'd REALLY like an Orchestrelle but the house (and my
wallet) ain't big enough!
Dave Chisholm
Sideline Systems Ltd
Pre-Used Mac Computers and Consultancy
P.O.Box 876 Palmerston North
Voice Ph. 0-6-353 0050 Fax 0-6-353 0468
Email davechis@manawatu.gen.nz