Just in case it would be helpful to you to have more pictures of organs
by Ignatius Blasius Bruder, I send a JPEG-file of the instrument in the
Utrecht Museum "van Speelklok tot Pierement".
The organ was built about 1830. It has 25 keys: three for the
figures and twenty-two for the notes: c-g--b-e3 diatonic, with f#1
and f#2 added. The conjurer behind the table changes the objects on
the table between bird, apple, die, and nothing.
Like Mr. Brommer, I am very curious if such instruments are known
outside Europe.
Hans van Oost, Holland
[ I placed the photo image of the organ on a new web page,
[ "Ignaz Blasius Bruder Organs", at
[ http://mmd.foxtail.com/Pictures
[ -- Jody