I did phone Kees Nijsen. He does not, nor will, have e-mail. He is
of age, and does not have a computer, nor wants to start using one.
He does have a fax-machine, but in order to avoid unsolicited messages
you must phone him before sending him a letter, so he is able to
connect his fax-machine to his telephone.
He told me that he did sent you a post-card, asking why he did not hear
from you any more. If you like, you may sent your letters to Kees
Nijsen to me, I will ring him up, and forward your letter using my
telefax machine. He can sent me his letters, which I will forward to
you by e-mail.
This seems to be the best way to speed up things. There is not much
work involved on my side. So if you can live with the fact that I will
read your letters too, I'll be glad to be of help.
Bye, Jan Kijlstra