In response to having 'custom tunes' made on small cylinder boxes:
Yes, Reuge in Switzerland does offer the service of custom tunes,
but not on a 'one off' basis! 1997 costs were as follows:
Movement Size Min. Quant. Arrangement Cost
1/18 100 $275
1/36 40 $550
3/50 20 $1500
3/72 10 $2000're not done yet! You have to pay for the individual minimum
quantity! Prices for these are approximate:
1/18 = $10.00
1/36 = $65.00
3/50 = $355.00
3/72 = $400.00
Do the multiplication and you'll be impressed at the amount of money
you'd have to spend! (Don't forget to add shipping!) *Then* they need
sheet music of the song you want too. They require all money in
advance, yes, *all*. They quote a 4-8 week time delay to make the
arrangement and a sample. After your approval of the sample, 4-12
weeks for order completion.
Then, if you go through someone else to place the order for you
(you might have to!), you'll owe them a commission too!
Unfortunately this makes it very difficult for someone to get a tune
custom made -- but you must also remember that it isn't an easy process
to start with! Any company that offered this service has to: 1) have
their arranger to the arrangement 2) stop the production line to do
YOUR tune 3) tune combs by hand to YOUR arrangement specs. 4) make
tune cards with YOUR title on them. All these short-run steps cut into
their regular multi-million dollar production.
If anyone need more info on this, I'd be happy to supply it. Also,
please see my general letter regarding Reuge and their selling of
movements only.
Nancy Fratti