In MMD 980102 Andy Taylor tells of a way to transfer strike point from
one piano to another of the same make. What can one do if no other
example is available? Is there a rule of thumb that will give a ball
park figure to start with? According to Art Reblitz (in his book on
Piano Servicing and Rebuilding) the usual distance is about one seventh
of the string length. He points out that, particularly in the high
treble, deviations occur due to other factors. This is just the region
which is most critical. He goes on to say:
"When you rebuild an action and install new hammers, be very careful
to maintain the correct striking point. If the old hammers were
installed carelessly, consult with an experienced piano technician
to decide where to install the new hammers."
My current project is the restoration of a 1918 Martin-Orme upright
player in which the original strike point was lost before I started.
The piano has been re-strung and the action is ready except for new
hammers. Does anyone have any advice as to how to proceed from here?
Happy New Year to all!
John Johns