In regards to restoring your Estey pump organ #261535: the date
suggests that the organ was manufactured around 1893.
There are many books that give a "foundation" to rebuilding the reed
organ along with interesting historical and technical data. They
include Robert Gellerman's "The American Reed Organ" and "The American
Reed Organ and the Harmonium", H. F. Milne's "The Reed Organ: Its Design
and Construction", and Horton Presley's "Restoring & Collecting Antique
Reed Organs".
I have been in the reed and pipe organ business since 1977. If I can
be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck
in your endeavors.
Daniel D. Tenerowicz
7072 Sweetland RD, Derby, NY 14047-9580
(716) 947-5051