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MMD > Archives > December 1997 > 1997.12.25 > 16Prev  Next

Duo-Art Pump Spill Measurements
By Bernt Damm

Hi,  Yes, Craig Brougher is right, I have a definite disadvantage, as
far a mechanical music is concerned, because of the far away country I
live in.  Oh well, I do the best I can under the circumstances.

Here is a question to Craig and other experts:  On the upright Duo-Art,
what do you think the pump-spill pressure should be with the roll
stopped (Tempo 0), no notes playing, and at zero level?

Mike Kitner's pamphlet requires it to be 30" but I would like some
confirmation on this.

I found the pressure to be about 22-25" on the uprights I have
worked on so far.

On my home piano, (my experiment model), I can only get it up to 30" by
replacing the original felt on the spill cover with a different one and
by installing a thin gasket around its base.  (There are no leaks
anywhere else)

I ask this because I now find the piano too loud at levels 8 and
higher.  It ranges from the normal very soft to a deafening extra loud.
I did double check that the spill is fully closed at level 10 and
slightly leaky at level 9.  All other adjustments are correct as well.

Any suggestions?


Bernt W. Damm

(Message sent Thu 25 Dec 1997, 13:12:23 GMT, from time zone GMT.)

Key Words in Subject:  Duo-Art, Measurements, Pump, Spill

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