Found in the December 1997 issue of "Mini-AIR". (Annals of Improbable
Research). This may be of some use to the calliope enthusiasts ;}
Jeffrey Borinsky
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1997-12-07 Steam Correction
We apologize for the serious typo in last month's report about 17th
century pipe organs constructed from natural geysers. The middle
paragraph should have read:
"The European instruments were relatively small. The larger
archeological finds in North America are now thought to have been
primitive pipe organs. The people who build them dispersed long
before Europeans arrived on the scene. The geyser now known as 'Old
Faithful' was used to feed one of the most powerful pipe organs in
history. Computer simulations indicate that its A above high C could
be heard more than 200 miles away and could shatter glass (had there
been any glass in the region) at a distance of 50-75 miles."
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[ The author seems to be organ-humorist Stephen Bicknell, a frequent
[ contributor to the Improbable Annals (if not the founder!). For
[ further reading about primitive pipe organs in North America see
[ also "The Owyhee Hydraulus", by MMDer Karl Petersen, in MMDigest
[ for April 1, 1997. :)) -- Robbie