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MMD > Archives > December 1997 > 1997.12.07 > 11Prev  Next

Improve Your Sales with GeoCities
By Nelson Denton

Thomas Henden asked about a supply of pouch leather for Duo-Art
theme valves.  I would suggest that he check with his local Pipe
organ builders.  They may be able to sell him the leathers he wants
in small quantities.  The same leathers are used by us in organs as
well as piano's etc.

Considering all the recent threads about "Where can I find such and
such a book or recording.", I thought I'd pass this along to all of

This message just came through on my e-mail from GEOCITIES ( this is
a company that provides free web pages to the general public to
be used for whatever topics you like.):

> GeoCities has joined forces with, Earth's biggest
> bookstore.

Considering the proposed linkup with I would like to suggest
that anyone wishing to sell an organ, piano, harpsichord, or other
music related books -- or whatever -- to look into what may be a great
way to improve your sales.

There is probably a major catch somewhere here, but Amazon books is a
big company and they pride themselves on finding just about any book
available.  Perhaps as a industry/trade/enthusiast's group we can talk
somebody into doing the same thing with recordings and music.

Web pages are free at GeoCities and the setup can be found at

The Amazon bookstore is at

I'm not getting paid for this plug  and I'm not selling any books
or recordings.  :-))  Just passing along some interesting info.

Nelson Denton

Key Words in Subject:  GeoCities, Improve, Sales, Your

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