I am so sick of junk mail and difficulty in accessing AOL, I would have
quit AOL a _long_ time ago, if it wasn't for my kids. I know of no
other service that has the parental controls AOL has. My 7-year-old
son now has the freedom to 'surf the net', and I don't need to be
concerned that he will get into places he shouldn't.
I am also amazed that, although I do everything AOL says to reduce
spam, I still get 10 to 20 junk messages a day. My son's screen name,
with all the controls kicked in, gets NO junk mail.
For me, I'll stay with AOL, only because of my kids. I'll probably
follow some of the suggestions I learned here on the MMD to use one
new screen name for personal use, another for net surfing.
MMD is great! I not only learn more about automatic musical
instruments than ever thought possible, I learn about e-mail use
and the 'net also! Keep up the GREAT work!
Gary Rasmussen