I am looking for help with a Gulbransen player piano and located your
address on the Internet.
A friend of mine has a Glbransen Player Piano with the glued stack. The
three tier boards are glued and screwed (4 on each tier) to the chest
so I assume it is a "glued" player. He had started to disassemble it
by ripping of the top tier board. This resulted in chips, gouges etc.
Needless to say a challenge I should not have accepted to take on..
To make a long story short, I did manage to get it playing, but not very
well as the player could not maintain vacuum through various humidity
changes and was leaking within a year.
I am looking for help in locating a replacement stack for a Gulbransen.
Either a rebuilt "glued" stack in repaired/excellent working condition
or the screwed in pneumatic Gulbransen version which has been rebuilt
or can be rebuilt. As I understand from reading on the Internet the
screwed in pneumatics are screwed to the tier board and not glued as
on the one I worked on.
1) Can you advise me and/or provide a favorable lead? or
2) The owner would really like to keep their current piano which
requires a Gulbransen player action. However if a Gulbransen player
action cannot be located I would like to find a replacement Player
Piano with a Simplex or similar easy to repair action. Preferably
a piano and player already rebuilt, completed and in fine working
Jerry Krzmarzick
[ Editor's Note:
[ I've set up a subscription for Jerry, so if your replies sent here
[ will get to him.
[ Jody