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MMD > Archives > November 1997 > 1997.11.04 > 04Prev  Next

Old Cartoon Songs - Carl Stalling
By Jim Edwards

Carl Stalling was one of the most brilliant American composers and a true
American original.  His work for Warner Brothers MERRIE MELODIES and
later projects put him right up there with Charles Ives and George
Gershwin two other American composers.  If you want to give yourself a
great Christmas gift and relive your "younger years" boogie off to your
local music store and purchase in CD format "The Carl Stalling Project -
Music from Warner Bros. Cartoons 1936-l958", Warner Bros. 9 26027-2; and
Warner Bros. presents "Bugs Bunny on Broadway" 9 26494-2.

These two CD's are sure to delight.  Who can resist "The Rabbit of
Seville", "What's Opera, Doc!", and "Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry

Enjoy! Jim Edwards

 [ Carl Stalling is responsible for introducing countless kids to the
 [ musical classics, and indeed provided inspired arrangements for the
 [ cartoon settings.  I dunno about the other titles, but "The Rabbit of
 [ Seville" was composed by Rossini (1816), and "Dinner Music for a Pack
 [ of Hungry Cannibals!" was composed by Raymond Scott (ca. 1937).
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Tue 4 Nov 1997, 04:15:57 GMT, from time zone GMT-0600.)

Key Words in Subject:  Carl, Cartoon, Old, Songs, Stalling

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