I retired earlier this year and sold off my sound company after spending
some 30 great years supplying concert sound systems to visiting artists.
I too worked with such artists, including Randy Neuman, Little Richard,
and hundreds of others.
There is however, one artist that generally includes as part of his act,
smashing the piano bench to the ground, as well as at some point playing
the piano by walking on the keyboard.
Well, I'm glad Jerry Lee Lewis in coming your way and loves Yamaha
pianos, but may I suggest that you, as I did, exchange the bench with an
old junker, remove the music rack, and ask Mr. Lewis personally to be very
kind to this fine instrument and hopefully he will, as he did for me.
Speaking of riders, I remember many years ago Keith Jarrett's rider
asking me to "remove the music rack and place the microphones and pickup
out of the way". It seems that "As part of his act Mr. Jarrett climbs
into the piano and plays the strings with a spoon"!
Then there was the Steinway concert grand that collapsed the centre
of the scaffold stage and went down 10 feet! ... Well, enough of this
depressing talk already.
Dave Zeffertt