Marty Roenick's question answered [MMDigest 971026]:
If I had a fancy hotel in the beautiful mountains of Arkansas, and was
as wealthy as the person who owns the hotel in the mountains, I would
have to have the piano that more professional artists ask for than any
other brand.
I would have to have the most sophisticated electronics known that can
do its own self-testing. I would not be cheap because, after all, I own
a fancy hotel in the beautiful mountains (well, actually, two of them),
so therefore I would own a Yamaha Disklavier that I would buy from one of
my friends because I would probably die a horrible death if I did
anything else.
Don Teach, Shreveport Music Co
1610 E. Bert Kouns
Shreveport, LA 71105
[ I've played at lotsa bar pianos, and the poor instrument sure takes a
[ lot of torment, from both the pianist and the patrons. Marty might
[ consider placing two pianos in the hotel, if there's room. (Beer
[ spilled into a bar piano is a horrible death too! ;) What's the
[ price nowadays, Don, for a good Yamaha Disklavier console piano?
[ -- Robbie