Sorry for the delay in answering Jim Gallops' comment about our choice of
violin strings for the Mills Violano -- we've been out of town during the
entire discussion of Violano strings. Ralph and I have used the same
strings on our Violano for many years and with marvelous results. We get
a beautiful sound and the strings last a long time.
Last year I started some conversations about violin strings with a
professional violinist who plays in our local orchestra. She gave me
some good information about violin strings, and also about buying them
from a wholesale source. I was able to get catalogs from several of
these, and also to find out a little about the various brands and
varieties of violin strings.
I sent away for several catalogs, some of which had good discussions
about the various strings. I also discussed strings and their properties
with the violinist. After all this, I concluded that the strings we have
been using for many years are still the best choice for both excellent
sound quality and durability. We don't use the Pirastro "A" because
although they sound beautiful, they don't last as long as the Jarger.
The source I chose in the U.S.A. is: Concord Musical Supplies, Inc.;
P.O. Box 916; Maywood, NJ 07607. Phone 210/261-3871. Fax 201/265-0416.
The strings all come from Europe, so I don't think it matters much where
you order them. You will have to check with them for the shipping cost.
It is $1.50 in the USA. Minimum charge for an order is US$20.
Here's our strings -- the same ones we have been using for many years
with great results (prices are late 1996). You need to specify "Violin"
strings when you order. (The D is gut/aluminum. The G is gut/silver.)
Number Catalog Description Price, US$
3198 Pirastro Chromcor; E - Med. 1.80
2133 Pirastro Eudoxa D; 17-1/4 9.45
2134 Pirastro Eudoxa G; 16-1/4 11.75
J101 Jargar A - Medium 8.55
Gloria Schack