I'm a full time minister of music at a Baptist church here in town and we
use Don Wigent, who like Joyce Brite's tuner, is blind. He is wonderful
and very FAST.
He used to do finish tuning for a piano company years ago. (I don't
remember which company.) Now he is in charge of all the pianos at East
Carolina University School of Music, which is located here in Greenville.
He is a good friend of mine and has helped me with my pianos from time to
time with very little compensation.
I love to watch him work and I have seen him determine the brand of a
piano just by "hearing it". If you were to come up on him while tuning
it would take you a few minuets to realize he was disabled. I really
wish my hearing was as sensitive as his.
Right now I have asked Don if he would take me on as a student and teach
me a few things that he has learned about tuning. Don really is an
inspiration to me and most people who know him. And Joyce: he too has
a memory like an elephant. :->
Sam Harris