Damon Atchison wrote in 971012 MMDigest:
> I help people to find a player piano and then I just fix the supply
> bellows and wind motor to get it running again. This hasn't failed
> me yet.
Gee, I think that I'll just hang up my apron and call it quits. All of
these years (33) I've been cleaning, sealing and replacing valves and
pouch leather, rotten hoses, and regulating and tuning and the many other
items that go into rebuilding a player piano.
It never occurred to me that I could just fix the bellows and wind motor
and call it fixed! This is why customers who come into my shop want to
be sure the pianos are electrified, since they just "know" that player
pianos are meant to be an exercise machine!
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, and patching up junkers and
selling or inferring that they are repaired give all of the technicians
that do the work properly a bad name.
Al Pebworth
Pebworth's Player Pianos
Home of "Yesterday's Music"
[ Perhaps Damon means that he hasn't failed yet to make folks interested
[ in the player piano. I don't think he claimed that the piano was
[ properly repaired -- it's just "patched up". To me, it's the same
[ situation as buying a used-car: before buying, the wise customer
[ asks a trusted technician to inspect the goods and advise the cost
[ of proper repairs. -- Robbie