Nancy Fratti writes:
> ...the easiest thing to do is soak the remaining parts in denatured
> alcohol (hardware store product). The alcohol will dissolve any grease
> really quickly and you can scrub off the 'gop' with any kind of stiff
> bristled brush.
I have the deepest respect for Ms. Fratti's advice; yet this
recommendation bothers me. Wouldn't mineral spirits be a better solvent?
In my opinion, mineral spirits should de-grease metal parts but should
not dissolve waxes as quickly as the alcohol. Some waxes are important
not to remove. Mineral spirits will not damage shellac wood finishes
like the alcohol, either. Also, alcohol does tremendous damage to the
skin while mineral spirits is not nearly so lethal nor damaging.
I must be missing something here (besides a few marbles ;-) ).
Please advise.
Robert Linnstaedt