We just returned from a trip to Arizona and, among other things, we wanted
to see the collection at the Arizona Historical Society in Tucson which is
listed in the MBSI directory. Unfortunately, the exhibit was dismantled
and stored in the basement the day before our scheduled visit! The
collection had been on display since 1990 and the curator thought it
was time to give it a rest.
When we expressed our disappointment, the director gave us a personal
invitation to come to the basement storage area and he personally showed
us around! They had a pretty Egyptian-motif Palliard, and a Polyphon
upright with two dancing dolls which I, at least, had not seen before.
The only other music box we encountered was an upright Polyphon in
Tombstone at the Bird Cage Theater. It said it was built in 1841 (about
45 years before the first disc box was invented!) and that it was at the
theater continuously since the late 1800's. I paid $1 for a token and
played it and it was still sounding very nice.
In general, we found a dearth of activity and interest in mechanical
music out there.
Gerry Bay