I read with interest that S.B.Small has got a hold of a Gibson Uke. Here
in the UK, We had an entertainer by the name of George Formby OBE who
was the highest paid entertainer between the war years. He made a great
number of movies and released about 120 single records mainly on Regal
Zonophone. His main attribute was his playing of the Ukulele Banjo. He
died in 1962 and almost straight away, there was formed the George
Formby society. They have meetings in Blackpool every three months and
the meetings consist of various members getting on the stage and playing
the Uke accompanied by a trio and their own voice to a greater or lesser
degree in the manner of the 'master' himself. I've done this myself a
few times. I have three Ukes, one of which was made by 'Bacon' in the
USA in about 1925. it begs the question, was there an automatic Uke?
Perhaps similar to the Encore Banjo. By the way, I am looking to buy
a Ludwig Uke Ban if anyone comes across one.