Hi! I read your letter in MMD 970912 and wanted to tell you a few things
about getting new music put on a cylinder box.
It can be done by Reuge in Switzerland, but the costs depend upon the
size of cylinder box you want it put on. The size of movement can be
anywhere from a 17 note to a 72 note movement. The music-arrangement
costs, alone, start at $275 for the 17-note movement and go up to $2000
for the 72-note movement.
The in-between sized movements (18, 28, 36 and 50 note movements) range
from $275-$1500 for the tune arrangements. THEN you have to purchase a
minimum quantity of movements -- anywhere from 20 (for the larger
movements) to 100 (for the 18 note). The cost per movement can be from
$10.00 for the 18-note to $400+ for the 72 note movement.
Still interested? Most people back off at this point! If I can be of
further help, please let me know!
Nancy Fratti - Panchronia Antiquities
PO BOX 210 - Whitehall, NY 12887-0210 USA
518-282-9770 or fax: 518-282-9800
E-mail: musicbox@sover.net