The Capitol A-roll article mentioned in the 970916 MMD is "Arranging
Styles of Clark and Capitol Rolls - An Historical Perspective", by
Dave Junchen, and it appeared in the April / May 1983 issues of AMICA.
I have photocopies of the article here in front of me which I can send
to anyone interested (I expect any requesters to be members of AMICA,
so if you aren't let your conscience thrash you accordingly). The total
article is 9 pages long and very interesting -- Dave knew his subject!
Send me your post office address and I'll mail it, but if I get many
requests I'll have to ask for a large SASE with 2 ounces of postage
included. (George, your copy is on its way today!).
George Bogatko and I have discussed some of this off-line and I am very
interested, but I haven't studied any original rolls yet in great detail.
I have a few on hand, though, and will try to add something to this
thread when I get a chance to dig in a bit further. Don't hold your
Rob DeLand