Hello all, I would like to introduce my self. My name is Joseph F.
Korczynski Jr., and I reside in Glen Burnie, Maryland.
My interest in MMD is keeping my father up to date on the interesting
discussions in the MMD. He is not computer literate and has no interest
in learning at this time. I do not have any automatic musical instruments
myself but I do have an appreciation for them. My father has a small
collection: a couple of nickelodeons, a band organ, and a couple of
I remember traveling to Virginia with my father several times to visit
Mr. Jim Wells who had quite a collection. (Most, if not all, was
auctioned off a couple years ago.) I also traveled to West Germany in
1983 with parents where I got to meet Mr. Carl Frei Jr. of Waldkirch.
Joe Korczynski Jr.
[ Welcome to MMD, Joe Jr. and Joe Sr. Our member Wolfgang Brommer
[ continues the organ-making legacy in Waldkirch, and he would be happy
[ to welcome you again to his city and show you what's new since you
[ last visited there! -- Robbie