Hello Mr. Jim Toth, As a lover of antique mechanical organs I can
provide you some information about a kit we deliver, on a basis of the
24-key Thibouville (a French firm from the last century).
24 notes, with 1, 2 or 3 ranks of pipes -- flutes, bourdons and brass
piccolos, in a pretty traditional cabinet with (or without) inlay. You
have all the pieces of wood, leather, tracking and reading devices, glues
and varnish, blue-prints and a complete assembly instructions in French,
English, German or Dutch. So you can learn several languages too. ;-)
As a professional organ builder, I can send you some information about
the complete range of organs we've designed. In fact we produce several
models for singing or entertainment.
Also, you could approach Angelo Rulli < musicbox@pioneerplanet.infi.net>,
our US agent, for seeing different models, or visit us on our web site --
http://www.leludion.com -- or, visit us in Silverdale, Washington, at the
Seattle MBSI Annual Convention from 12 to 17 August, where we attend and
have a performance on Thursday at 7.00 PM.
Musically Yours
Philippe Crasse / Le Ludion
Toulouse, France