Just a note to let MMDers know that I've made a good contact in England
(a member of the Fair Organ Preservation Society) and we are exchanging
CD and Tape recordings of various band organs, etc. with each other!
I've got over 20 new titles! Some of the titles are not yet here, but
should be within a month or so. I've got lots of DeCap recordings, and
some featuring Bruder, Ruth, Gavioli, Bursens, etc.
This exciting new venture (and the purchase of a scanner and color
printer) made me re-vamp my audio/book catalog from just a typed listing
to a color illustrated brochure of over 30 pages! A copy of my new
Audio/Book catalog can be had for $3.00 ($4.50 overseas). ENJOY!
Nancy Fratti, Panchronia Antiquities
Specialist in Antique Music Boxes; Restoration Supplies; Books; Recordings
PO Box 210, Whitehall, NY 12887-0210 tel 518-282-9770; fax 518-282-9800