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FS: Jim Williams' Collection
By Tom Blackwell, forwarded

[ Editor's Note:
 [ The following message was oroginally posted on the Pipe Organ
 [ Listserver by Tom Blackwell.  It was forwarded to us by Tim RIckman.
 [> Date:         Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:03:17 -0700
 [> From: Tom Blackwell <>
 [> Hello piporg-l:
 [> Jim Williams of Ogden, Utah would like to sell his life-long
 [> accumulation of band organs, orchestrians, player pianos, reed
 [> organs, Robert-Morton style 39 pit organs, Wurlitzer pipe organ
 [> parts, Link pipe organs and other misc. items.  He has provided
 [> me with a list that includes over 60 items.  If you are interested
 [> in getting a copy of the list, please e-mail me privately.  Since
 [> I'm just helping out, you'll need to contact Jim directly with
 [> any questions about the items, prices, etc.
 [> Jim Williams
 [> 799 Maple Street
 [> Ogden, Utah 84403-1921
 [> phone (801) 394-7263
 [> sorry, no e-mail
 [> Pictures of some of the items are available at:
 [> Regards,
 [> Tom Blackwell
 [ Several subscribers (at least 3) then provided information regarding
 [ the availability of Jim Williams' collection.  Since there was
 [ so much interest, I asked Tom Blackwell for the entire list,
 [ which is given below.  After receiving the list, I talked with
 [ Jim Williams on the phone and added item 63, which was omitted from
 [ the list given to Tom.
 [ Jim may be willing to provide a complete list of prices, but I'm
 [ not certain publishing the price list is in his best interest.
 [ I'd like advice from the group -- I'll go back and ask for prices
 [ if it seems appropriate.
 [ Jody

- - - - - - - - - -

                       The Jim Williams Collection

1) Gavioli Fairground (Merry Go Round) organ
Plays 82 note Artizan rolls; duplex roll setup.  This fabulous sounding
band organ once thrilled decades of visitors to Boston's Revere Beach
Amusement Park.  The organ has been rebuilt nearly completely.  When
finished, this special organ will be exceedingly enjoyable.  About 60
multi-tune 82 note rolls are being made now.  A real treasure of the very
enjoyable Artizan music.  Walnut veneer on cabinet, 10 brass trombone
pipes.  Made in Paris, France around 1900.  Very capable and impressive.
Bass and snare drums.  One of the largest remaining Gavials.  Available

2) Artizan band organ parts
Duplex roll frame setup, shelf, roll frames, 82 note cutout pouch block,
re-roll shifting pneumatics, valve block stack, all still with original
tubing.  Complete as taken from a large Gavioli converted to play 82 note
Artizan rolls.  Very good unrestored condition.

3) Many Artizan drive line parts
Crankshafts, beveled 2 piece gear, pinion gears, shafts, gears, tapered
cone speed control units, 82 note roll frame, extra metal spool ends.
Snare/bass drum beaters & pneumatics, shaft guides for standoff.  Other
Artizan or North Tonawanda gear drive parts.  Wheel that rides on tapered
cone and release cam.  Speed control knobs to change roll speed and other
gears/parts for this style organ.  Priced individually or as a group.

4) Arburo Bursens Cafe Organ
Made in Belgium around 1950.  196 pipes including the jazz flute and
saxophone.  Roll operated, about one third restored.  Accordion,
Bass/snare drum, wood block, temple blocks, high hat cymbal and other
sounds all restored.  Very desirable and capable, originally use in a
cafe or restaurant in Belgium to provide music for dancing and
entertainment.  Lights turn on and off by roll to provide visual
interest.  A public attraction of high musical ability, very

5) Arburo multi-tune rolls
Usually 4 songs per roll.  Complete recut roll set of 150 rolls that are
the best of original rolls plus many from recent decades and many from
other years.  515 total rolls.  Sold as a set only.

6) Arburo spool box roll frames
Roll motors, two complete units from other organs.  Could be used to
build up a custom Arburo or other project using Arburo rolls.

7) Robert Morton Style 39A pit organ
4 ranks - Tibia, Violin, Vox Humana and Diapason.  Bass drum, snare drum,
Chinese cymbal, gong cymbal, tambourine, tom tom, chime, bird whistle,
door bell, xylophone, sleigh bells.  All inside an 8' x 4-1/2' x 5' box
enclosure with shutters, lids that open up from center where hinged.
Small dimensions throughout, chest magnets are Reisner and are mounted
on top of chests.  All percussions and shutters work from vacuum.
Self-contained, Bass 12 Tibia (Bourdon) pipes are fastened together with
pipe chests to lie horizontal by cabinet.  Diapason rank is separate 49
note chest outside of cabinet with its own enclosure to be next to
cabinet.  Very much like a large American FotoPlayer only more versatile.
Hundreds of extra Reisner magnets of the same style.  Kinetic blower 5 HP
with vacuum blades, restored.  3 phase GE newer motor.  Regulator sits
above blower presently.  Very capable nice sounding organ in a size that
is manageable for smaller places.  Very nice unrestored condition.
Windlines are included as originally used.  Last played 1960.  Very nice
condition, original.

8) Robert Morton, Style 39 pit organ
3 ranks - Tibia, Violin, Vox Humana.  Bass drum, snare drum, Chinese
cymbal gong, tambourine, cymbal, tom tom, chime, bird whistle, door
bell, xylophone, sleigh bells.  All inside an 8' x 4-1/2' x 5' box
enclosure with shutters, lids that open up from center where hinged.
Small dimensions throughout.  Chest magnets are Reisner and are mounted
on top of chests.  All percussions and shutters work from vacuum.
Self-contained.  Bass 12 Tibia (Bourdon) pipes are fastened together with
pipe chest to lie horizontal by cabinet.  Very much like an American
FotoPlayer, only more versatile.  Hundreds of extra Reisner magnets of
the same style.  Spencer blower produces pressure and vacuum.  In playing
order 8 years ago.  Very choice fun organ.  Original condition.

9) Robert Morton, Style 39 pit organ
3 ranks - Tibia, Violin, Vox Humana.  Bass drum, snare drum (missing),
tom tom, cymbal, Chinese gong cymbal, glockenspiel bells, chime, door
bell, bird whistle.  All inside an 8' x 4-1/2' x 5' box enclosure with
shutters, lids that open up from center where hinged.  Bass 12 pipes and
chest not there, but another set is available.  Original vacuum-pressure
Spencer blower now inside a plywood box for quieting, on casters.
Unrestored condition, but very restorable.  No relay is required for a
Style 39 Robert Morton.  3 consoles are with these organs: Oak - nice
console with a relay and walnut - smaller console.  Both have bench.  Stop
control switches inside console, part of original roll player is there.
These are very manageable, well made theatre pipe organs.  Very similar
in construction, appearance and sound to the earlier American FotoPlayer
made for the same purpose but with more versatility.  Spencer blower is
in a plywood box to muffle sound, producing both pressure and vacuum.
Single phase, 110 volt motor.  These style 39 Robert Mortons are easy to
work on, small in dimensions so that they will fit in where larger
organs are too big.  They can easily be adapted to orchestrated player
piano rolls and to MIDI systems.  Dark Walnut colored cabinets with
removal side panels.

10) Wurlitzer Style 165 band organ rolls
Multi-tune, usually 10 songs per roll.  Complete recut set, 167 rolls.
Still in shipping boxes.  Never used.  Long out of production.  Sold only
as a set.

11) Wurlitzer Automatic Player Piano rolls (A.P.P.)
Long play type, 10+ songs.  Complete set of recut rolls, about 196 rolls.
Still in shipping boxes.  Never used.  Long out of production.  65 note
piano plus orchestration.  Sold only as a set.

12) Robert-Morton 49 note Chrysoglott harp
Very good condition.  Black painted resonators, very nice sound.  Deagan
harp bells, 2 rows.

13) Robert-Morton 37 note Glockenspiel
Very good condition.  1 row, very nice sound.  Deagan glockenspiel.

14) Robert-Morton Glockenspiel
Smaller scale with resonators.  30 note.  Very good condition.  Deagan

15) Robert-Morton 18 note chimes
Action and chimes.  Very good condition.

16) Robert-Morton 5 note chimes
Action and chimes.  Once used in a radio station for station call letter
identification.  Very good condition.

17) Robert-Morton setter board drawers
4 complete drawers.  Very good condition.

18) Robert-Morton console preset combination action valve chests

19) American FotoPlayer Style 45 reed organ unit
61 note.  Excellent unrestored condition.  Complete 6 stops of reed
control.  A wonderful part of the FotoPlayer.  Could easily be adapted for
use on a Style 39 Robert-Morton as player action is vacuum operated.  The
reed organ is pressure blown type.

20) American FotoPlayer 30n horizontal Chrysoglott
30 note bells and action from a Style 25, 35 or 40 FotoPlayer.

21) American FotoPlayer Style 45 cabinet parts
Fronts, sides, parts including grills.

22) Robert-Morton Vox Humana chest
61 note.  Tallest pipes in center divided by 1' space.  Short pipes on

23) Murray-Harris Redwood Tibia (Diapason)
Pipes and chest.  61 notes.  Very good condition.

24) Robert-Morton Vox Humana rank
Very nice condition.

25) Wurlitzer 37 note Xylophone
Very good unrestored condition.  Deagan xylophone.  Smaller type with

26) Wurlitzer 18 notes chimes (2 sets)
Very good condition.  2 complete sets actions and chimes.

27) 3 Wurlitzer toy counter actions and some instruments.  All incomplete
in one way or another, but all restorable.

28) Wurlitzer Chrysoglott
49 note.  2 rows with action.  Fair condition.

29) Wurlitzer Bass Drums (3 incomplete)

30) Wurlitzer Bass Drum actions (3)

31) Wurlitzer-style Maracas
Built by Bob Arndt.

32) Wurlitzer Orchestral Oboe pipes
Very good condition.  61 pipes.  Already packed up carefully and ready
to ship.

33) Wurlitzer Concert Flute rank
Excellent condition.  8 foot, 61 pipes.

34) Wurlitzer pipe organ pressure operated piano
Very good original condition.  No keyboard style.  Mahogany finish.

35) Austin Harp
61 note.  A440.  Rank type like pipes mount with chest.  Pipe is the tuned
resonator, pneumatic chime bar resonator all together.  Very good

36) Tellers Organ Co.  Revely chimes
Tubular chimes and action in 2 rows.  Heavy cast round bells, tuned A435.
Very good condition.  25 notes.  Very unique.

37) 49 note tubular chimes
Mounting rack.  Was from a Kimball organ.  No actions.  Larger than other
set.  Very nice condition.  Electric action solenoids would play these
chimes well.

38) Pipe chest for single rank
Maker unknown.  Good condition.

39) 17 note set of tubular chimes and pressure action.

40) Several sets of chimes (20-30 notes)
No actions.

41) Electric chime actions (3)
21,25,13 note.

42) Single large ceremonial chime
Deagan electric action.  Much larger scale than a regular chime tube.
Very impressive to hear.  69" long, 1-1/2" diameter.  A440.

43) Several other electric and pneumatic action chime sets
One with small keyboard.

44) MAAS electric action chimes and rack.
Free standing unit 21 note.  Brass plated tubes.  Walnut woodwork with
small keyboard.  very good condition.

45) Deagan unifon bell set
4 notes.  C-F-A-C complete with xylophone bars and action.  Very good
condition.  Mounted on original frame.

46) DC current generators (8)
For pipe organs.  All seem to be in good condition.  One AC-DC
generator/motor combination.  All in one piece.

47) Lots of extra wire cables, clamps, wood work parts for pipe organs
Included with Morton organs.

48) Estey Virtuoso 2 manual & pedal reed organs (2)
Electric action, 1950 models.  Very fine organs, pressure reeds.  Very
fine casework.  Finest reed organs ever produced.  Newer case style.  Both
styles could be adapted to be controlled by MIDI systems, for additional
stops on a pipe organ or disk control playing recorded MIDI format
recordings.  Very capable high quality special instruments.  Containing
pressure-vacuum blowers.  DC current generator, electric motor to run it.
Pressure blower has its own motor.  Vacuum is from a rotary pump.  Lots of
extra parts from a disassembled 1939 model.  Superb musical instruments
for a special sound.  Superior Estey quality.  Their finest product of all
time.  Two of these superb instruments are available.

49) Estey Virtuoso 2 manual & pedal reed organs (4)
Electric action 1939 models.  Some newer.  Very fine organs.  Pressure
reeds.  Very fine casework.  Finest reed organs ever produced.  Many extra
parts.  Four of these superb instruments are available.

50) 1956 Hammond organ, Concert model.
Largest made in line.  Great condition.  1 Hammond speaker, 1 Leslie
speaker.  Used very little.  Has been in the family since new.

51) George Steck Duo Art Grand Piano
Very good unrestored condition.  Mahogany finish with matching bench.

52) Several small and large reed organs
Estey and other fold-up styles.  Church style electric blower style.  Lots
of Estey organs insides complete.  Make offer.  Must sell all.

53) Many sound-effect items
Usable on theatre pipe organs.  Sirens, horns, Chinese tom toms (old) as
used on toy counters.  Buzzers, door bells, cymbals, solenoid bells.  Make

54) Many extra bass and snare drums
Not from organs, but very interesting.  Various styles.  Prices upon

55) Duo Art Upright reproducing player piano
Upper action complete and in good condition.

56) Solo Corola expression piano mechanisms
All parts and 10 Solo Corola rolls.

57) Ketterman style reed organ
Electric action.  Very unique design in very good condition.

58) Shultz player piano action
Complete including all parts.

59) Auto-typist roll frames (2)
Pump, pneumatic stack.  Adaptable to play coin operated piano rolls.
A-G-O styles.

60) Link coin operated piano
Endless roll frames.  1 complete like new condition.  3 incomplete but
restorable.  Other Link parts to a 4 roll theatre organ roll player unit.
Many Link pneumatics, gears, etc.

61) Link theatre organ console
Chests, pipes.  Lots of parts, shutter actions, chimes, action, both
vacuum operated.  Chimes and action or other parts available separately.

62) Coinola (Victor) A-roll coin operated piano
Early oak style with vertical oval beveled glass windows.  All player
parts there.  Piano is in need of cabinet work.  Complete and never worked
on.  Nice ivory keys.

63) A 17x17 Duo-Art "box pump" with motor, nice condition

64) Wurlitzer electric motor for coin-op piano, nice condition


1) Style O rolls, Recut rolls made by PlayRite for coin operated pianos

2) Components for orchestrian build up.  Xylophone, orchestra bells,
drums, triangle, wood block.

3) Seeburg L coin operated piano

(Message sent Fri 8 Aug 1997, 06:48:27 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Collection, FS, Jim, Williams

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