There was a message on the Digest awhile back by Darrell Clarke, about an
Artecho system piano, and we haven't seen much response, so for what it's
Several years ago we restored a 6'4" grand with an Apollo player (which
is the same as the Artecho action) . We think that this is an excellent
system. It is even better than an Ampico because it has a variable
crescendo rather than fixed speeds. Also there is a mechanism in the
piano action itself that compensates for the hammer rail lift. Also, I
think you are able to regulate each intensity independently. (It's been
so long I tend to forget.)
One really nice thing about it was that the majority of the rolls were
made from Ampico, Duo-Art, Welte, and Artrio-Angelus rolls. Therefore,
it almost seems as if one has a lot of different systems in one.
Sometimes it sounds like an Ampico and sometimes like a Welte, etc.
It is too bad that the rolls are so hard to find, because it is such an
excellent system. It is very well made (uses Ampico type blocks).
I think Dave Saul wrote a few articles about it many years ago, singing
the praises of the system.
We certainly think it is worthwhile to keep it an Artecho. Too many have
been converted to Ampico and lose a lot in the process. Maybe one of
these days someone will start a roll recutting project.
Bill & Dee Kavouras